Transaction lifecycle
Overview of the transaction lifecycle.
Understanding the lifecycle of a transaction is just as important as knowing that a transaction has actually occurred. Whatever your role, it can be critical to know the exact state a transaction is in or the states it has been through. Bond provides full status and details of a transaction at every stage of its lifecycle.
Transaction state lifecycle
Bond transactions typically have the following states across all payment types, with the exception of card-to-card transactions that can only have a complete

Transaction states
The states of a transaction and their descriptions are shown in the table below.
State | Description |
start | A transaction starts from a card swipe, online purchase, a check scan, or an ACH transfer. |
failed or declined | If there are network issues, it is possible for a transaction to fail. Declined transactions are usually caused by insufficient funds, use of a frozen account, or if there are limitations on the merchant categories for using the card. |
pending | While a transaction is being processed it is placed in a pending state. |
cancelled | A user may try to cancel a transaction when it's in the pending state. This my be due to a product being on back order or a ACH transfer not being correctly defined. |
completed | Once a transaction is posted, it is in the completed state. |
returned | Transactions may be returned or reversed once they have been completed. For example, this can occur when merchandise is returned or if a chargeback occurs. |
For more details, see Transaction states.
Transaction state example
"transaction_id": "94ab1902-2406-4894-99cf-9888e62e1288",
"bond_brand_id": "123456abcdef",
"customer_id": "1234567abcdef",
"account_id": "12345678abcdef",
"payment_type": "card",
"transaction_type": "POS Purchase",
"state": "Pending",
"amount": "-2.00",
"currency": "USD",
"created_time": "2021-03-16T16:17:39.578198+00:00",
"updated_time": "2021-03-16T16:16:57",
"details": {
"card_id": "abcdef1234567890",
"mcc": "5942",
"mcc_description": "Book Stores",
"currency": "USD",
"merchant_id": "784959000762203",
"merchant_name": "",
"merchant_city": "",
"merchant_state": "WA",
"merchant_postal_code": "34100",
"merchant_currency": "USD",
"merchant_amount": "-2.00",
"exchange_rate": "1.00",
"cardholder_presence": false,
"statement_descriptor": "Pre-Auth Transaction-POS Signature Purchase"
Updated over 2 years ago
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