Webhook events and subscriptions
What type of webhook events do we support and how do you subscribe to these events.
For an overview, see Webhooks. ▶ Run in Postman
To be sent an event notification you need to subscribe to the required event. You can subscribe to more than one event.
For example, subscribing to kyc.verification.success
enables you to receive the successful result of a customer KYC verification request once it has finished being processed.
Event types
The following table lists the events that you can subscribe to.
Event enum values | Description |
account.autopay.changed | Embedded app user has changed autopay status. |
account.autopay.failed | Embedded app user autopay has failed to process. |
account.autopay.processed | Embedded app user autopay has been successfully processed. |
account.autopay.scheduled | Embedded app user autopay has been scheduled. |
account.history.ready | Used when retrieving an external account history for the first time. |
account.statements.generated | Embedded app user statement is ready for download. |
account.statements.ready | Monthly statement for a credit or deposit account is now ready. |
card.created | Card has been created. |
card.status.active | Card status is now Active . |
card.status.closed | Card status is now Closed . |
card.status.inactive | Card status is now Inactive . |
card.status.reissue | Card status is now Reissue . |
card.wallet.add | Card was successfully added to a mobile wallet. |
card.wallet.add_failure | Card failed to be added to a mobile wallet. |
credit.application.created | The credit application has been created. |
credit.application.submitted | Credit application has been submitted. |
credit.application.approved | Credit application has been approved. |
credit.application.adverse_action | A credit application adverse action has been generated. |
credit.application.resubmit_required | For a secured charge account, the credit application KYC has failed or timed out. The application needs to be resubmitted with the same application_id . |
customer.updated | A customer has updated their personal information. |
develop.api_key.created | A new API key has been created. |
kyb.verification.error | KYB failed due to server error. |
kyb.verification.initiated | KYB process has been initiated. |
kyb.verification.rejected | KYB failed due to low confidence in identity validation. |
kyb.verification.warning | Run KYB again. |
kyb.verification.under_review | KYB inquiry has been completed. |
kyc.verification.document_required | KYC requires further information to continue. This includes a documents field that indicates the types of documents required. |
kyc.verification.error | KYC failed due to server error. |
kyc.verification.failure | KYC failed due to low confidence in identity validation. |
kyc.verification.reenter_information | This is optional and will be sent at the same time as kyc.verification.document_required .The customer may have entered incorrect information that can cause KY failure. Reentering this information may resolve the issue. This includes an incorrect_information field that identifies exactly what should be checked by the customer. |
kyc.verification.success | KYC passed. |
kyc.verification.timeout | The system timed out trying to verify the information. Run KYC again. |
kyc.verification.under_review | KYC documents submitted are being reviewed. |
portal.data_export | A user has downloaded a report of transactions from Bond Portal. |
transactions | Sent on every new transaction or transaction update. |
Webhook Configuration Example
curl --request POST \
--url https://sandbox.bond.tech/api/v0.1/webhooks \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: YOUR-AUTHORIZATION' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Identity: YOUR-IDENTITY' \
--data '
"events": [
"url": "https://hostname.com/webhook/route",
"description": "KYC state changes."
You can also use wildcards when managing webhooks. For example, to refer to all card webhooks, use
The following is an example of a successful 200
response which indicates that the subscription is enabled.
"date_created": "2020-11-17T11:13:06.568119",
"webhook_id": "522e9ec7-b17d-4d92-8270-c2e1741dd6e0",
"url": "https://hostname.com/webhook/route",
"description": "KYC state changes.",
"events": [
"status": "STATUS_ENABLED",
"secret": "whsec_XqTEJtniwuEhp0A1c1cTJNsmpR/qgOfB"
For a complete specification and interactive examples, see Managing subscriptions in the Bond API Reference.
Transaction event example
The transaction event example shown below sends notifications of every transaction type across card transactions, in addition to the ACH, and RCD transactions to the call-back URL provided.
"event": "transactions",
"occurred_at": "2022-07-27T21:56:53.150700+00:00",
"transaction": {
"bond_brand_id": "48cd01ee-d333-4688-a6f4-fa1e9f12098b",
"transaction_type": "ACH Deposit",
"balances": null,
"transaction_id": "d7990a22-ed1a-441a-b20a-c08307cce65b",
"created_time": "2022-07-27T21:56:53.029766",
"description": "Retest ACH Transactions",
"amount": "10.01",
"business_id": null,
"account_id": "bc905964-1432-47f9-8cc5-b42a972bac32",
"fee": null,
"payment_type": "ach",
"details": {
"destination_account_id": "afeedb84-6b29-43d6-943f-8d221c7a795f",
"originating_account_id": "10b55efe-fe7b-44de-9e21-5f7ce37d035e"
"customer_id": "e6cfcaea-195c-4fa7-a185-018118c38752",
"currency": "USD",
"updated_time": "2022-08-11T21:56:52.888542",
"state": "pending",
"previous_transaction_id": null
Updated about 1 year ago