Submit KYC Supporting Documents

Submit additional supporting documents if needed for KYC. This is only necessary if your customers will not be uploading documents to Bond directly, as outlined here:

The documents should be passed as base64-encoded strings. The supported file extensions are .jpg, .png, .heic, and .pdf.

The request body accepts the keys government_id, proof_of_address, and social_security_card. In the case we are only processing one document, populate the correct key and omit the other two.

government_id requires the following properties:

  • type: Possible values are: drivers_license, passport, state_id, passport_card, permanant_resident_card, work_permit, and visa.
  • country: The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the ID's issuing country (i.e. "US")
  • front_image: file_name and image as a base64-encoded string.
  • back_image: Required for passport_card, permanent_resident_card, and work_permit. file_name and image as a base64-encoded string.

proof_of_address requires the following properties:

  • type: Possible values are: utility_bill and property_tax_bill.
  • file_name: Name of the file.
  • image: Base64-encoded string of the image.

social_security_card requires the following properties:

  • file_name: Name of the file.
  • image: Base64-encoded string of the image.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!